Gestern ist Rossi mit der Superbike WM Yamaha R1 in Misano unterwegs gewesen – nach einer absurd kurzen Verletzungspause für jemanden, der sich gerade den Unterschenkel gebrochen hatte…
Davide Brivio hat das in aller Kürze per Twitter dokumentiert:
Finished test.. 10 + 14 laps. Vale made a good job. Still some pain and now he knows more how to get better… Lap time was not so bad too!
…und lieferte zumindest ein Handy-Photo: zitiert die offizielle Pressemitteilung von Yamaha wie folgt:
Fiat Yamaha Team rider Valentino Rossi today rode a motorcycle for the first time since breaking his right leg at Mugello on 5th June. He rode a total of 26 laps at Misano on a YZF-R1 WSB machine, provided by the Yamaha World Superbike Team, and recorded a best time of 1′38.200.
Rossi did an initial run of 11 laps at 18.30 CET with a best time of 1′41.000, then a second run of 15 laps at 19.45 CET with a best time of 1′38.200 (unofficial times).
The reigning World Champion was able to ride well but he had some pain in his leg and his shoulder. He will now continue with an updated rehabilitation programme and make a decision within the next week as to whether he will ride at the German Grand Prix at Sachsenring, in ten days time.
“We made this test in order to understand how we must work from here and to see more or less how I can ride the bike,” said Rossi. “The test was positive, because I can at least ride, but there is a lot more to a MotoGP race than to a test like this one. I had some pain in the ankle, the knee and the shoulder, but above all I lacked strength in the shoulder and a bit of movement in the ankle. I would really like to come back at Sachsenring, but it is still too early to say. We still have twelve days and we must wait and see how much we can improve my condition in the next few days. The Superbike today was good and great fun to ride! I really would like to ride at Sachsenring, but we must wait another week before making a decision.”
Und logisch – wenn “Il Dottore” in Italien testet, sind auch ein paar Fans mit Kameras vor Ort:
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